Sunday, April 27, 2008

Who is telling the truth?

The world's biggest anti-nanny-day-care-baby-sitter physiologist, Laura Schlessinger, was right? Yes, even a stopped clock is right twice a day. She's adamant about NO NANNIES!! It's her religion.

It seems Sheryl Berkoff and Rob Lowe didn't get the memo. Their sons Edward Matthew and John Owen, were in nanny need at ages 12 and 14? Via Schlessinger's prism, Berkoff not only neglects her sons she might not be fulfilling Rob's man needs. This dilemma can't see a courtroom or the world will know the sordid details.

If the three employees are being wrongfully accused, they need their reputations restored. Rob survived sex with a 16 year old girl and more... he'll work again. Whatever he did or didn't do, he's doing fine in the PR world.

This dilemma is too big for a Hannity's America, the TV segment where you can e-mail the faux doc Laura and she'll answer a dilemma question with her opinion.

We have a question for Sheryl and Rob, why a gorgeous nanny?

In Laura's Sunday malarkey at Wendy McCaw's Santa Barbara News-Press she was on her warrior warp. As if anyone needs to be reminded of her disconnects. She who can't face reality or truth. As for her own "warrior" she is zipped when it comes to his photos. Pretending they don't exist means lies of omission and no accountability. BAD PARENT LAURA AND HER DERELICT!!!!

Deryk made his own deal with the devil and settles for being the willing prisoner of infamy and family fortune. Mommy dearest told Hannity she has a screen saver of a 6 month old baby Deryk on her screen, alleged b/c he's in danger? He's either staying in the basement at the Bishop/Schlessinger estate, celebrating (his platoon is home) or back at work in the states.

* *
If you missed the White House Correspondents’ Dinner... here's a best correspondent with her photo of Rob Lowe

"I found it interesting how chisled and actually sort of pretty he is. People look different in life than they do on television sometimes, and he is one of those. His amazingly sharp features, which look awesome on TV, make him look rather wizened and sunken when standing up close. He also looked really tired."

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