Monday, April 14, 2008

WTF is up with Huff Post, Santa Barbara News-Press and Rob Lowe?

Just asking... in public this Lowe dilemma may not come to much. This might be about the disadvantages of being in the limelight.
Not employee issues, not prescriptions, not the well being of children. It's about sticking up for celebrity rights?

When should celebrity, friends and family get privilege in the media?

The irony of Rob Lowe's privacy [vacant lot address] sending Wendy McCaw into "meltdown" for what she wouldn't print to what she will print...
Has she mentioned the employees side?
There is a history of employee bashing with McCaw.
And the original nanny gate, Aianna Huffington, giving Lowe prominence. Helping pave the way for his one sided view to act like a legitimate item when the court papers are filed

[anybody can sue anybody and the rich will do it to intimidate].

Here's a comment from a disgruntled Huff Poster:

"Why was this story moved from the Entertainment page to the Home page? It got plenty of play last week when it appeared the day before Lowe filed his lawsuits against two former nannies, a former chef, and 1-100 "DOES", John or Jane. Its now been mentioned on infotainment tv shows. It was gone from HuffPost for a few days and now its back. Why? More press for Lowe and his sad tale of CelebritiesBeingTakenAdwantageOf.? Robbie, your sleazy past makes those of us who remember wonder what was going on in your household. And I doubt it was the fault of all your former employees. Get lost."

Today Monday, April 14, 2008, I couldn't find "Household Betrayal" on the Huff Post Entertainment page. Nada.

I'm not up on all Rob Lowe's filmology and I didn't know much about his child porn video until he started to hang with Wendy. She was having another child porn image dilemma where it looked obvious she did manipulate the media for her own gain. In the process she defamed a previous employee. This makes some in Santa Barbara curious, what is Wendy's MO? Not every celebrity carpetbagger has a porn connection. Certainly not kiddie porn. Rob Lowe and Laura Schlessinger, go figure. Every celebrity carpetbagger Wendy likes has porn connections. Is it a pattern with Wendy? Her friend, Michael Douglas, was also in rehab for sex addiction. No images or children that I know.

Yes, extorting celebrity is horrible and the paps go extreme. All of that is bad, very, very bad. This dilemma hasn't had many facts and who can know if, how or why the Lowe's were betrayed? Most of the opinions, comments and even media is pro celebrity, go Rob, fight for celeb rights.

I've heard Lowe's father is an attorney in Dayton Ohio. His previous experience should make him cautious. I'd think he has all his ducks in a row when it comes to contracts.

I've read where some people blame "democrats" b/c of the 1988 DMC convention kiddie porn video. [he is now a republican?] Where is there more information about his porn film? I recall something about he was a producer who made many porn films. In Atlanta he was caught with two of his films. Everyone says the Atlanta porn was Rob with two girls. One girl was 16, that was a problem, but not a big problem. He had lawyers and didn't have to do the Sex-Offender-Register for life... like the less advantaged.

The Rob with two girls story is a PR dream if the actual fact is this was Rob with another man and an underage child.
Whatever happens with the recent dilemma, a responsible journalist needs to take this beyond gossip and inform the public.
Both Wendy McCaw and Laura Schlessinger use children as it suits their purposes. How will they handle this dilemma?
Someone sure seemed to handle Deryk Schlessinger's dilemma in MySpace when "the evidence" was destroyed.
Btw.. not one word from McCaw/Schlessinger about the image showing serious disrespect of our military. What about the children?
Schlessinger's speil is about guns, guns in school and children.
So much for gun safety.

If a non-celebrity had escaped the sex register but was on film with 2 girls or a man and minor having sex... later other dilemmas emerged...
How would that be handled?
I don't want to know about my neighbors sex life. When there are facts regarding children it's irresponsible not to mention the facts in a dilemma.
Local media needs to be held accountable for keeping the public informed.

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